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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunshine Award!

Great things happened yesterday! Celebrated the first day of Spring with wonderful weather.  The temperature was 74 degrees, and sunny! I opened all the windows and almost got all of my spring cleaning done. My purple and white winter crocus sprouted into the world, what a pretty site to see!  Check out  the pictures on my Facebook Fanpage
More importantly I was delighted to find out I was nominated for the Sunshine Award by Odin's Bead Hall.  I am honored, flattered and would like to say a big thank you!  Please stop by her Etsy Shop and check out her beautiful  jewelry, there is something there for everyone!

For the Sunshine Award the rules are:
1. Place the logo within your blog or post
2. Pass the award on to 12 other bloggers
3. Link the nominees within the post
4. Let the nominees know they have won by commenting on their blog
5. Share the love by linking to the person from whom you received the award

The nominees are:
1. Demure Artistic Designs
2. Dean Designs
3. TJB Designs
4. Fruits Of The Bloom
5. Faerie Moon Creations
6. Fat Bottom Bags
7. The Pine Cone Tea Cup
8. JKA Designs
9. Goody Goody Tutus
10. CinLynn Boutique
11. Lean Dog Pottery
12. Classic Keepsakes


  1. Thank you for the lovely honor.

  2. Wow! This is awesome! Thanks for choosing me. :) And I am happy to pass this award along. :)

  3. Thanks so much sweetie!! I hope to get some extra time to pass on the award!! xoxo

  4. Hello Susan! Thank you so very much. I must apologize that it took me so long to come and thank you. I appreciate it very very much, and I will reference the honor very soon. There are many talented folks on this list. And I am very pleased to be among them. :)
    Have a wonderful day!!! Theresa

  5. Thank you for the sunshine award!! I've been a total slacker this week...but! I posted it yesterday!!

  6. Thank you so much Susan! I'm honored by your award! Check out my blog post on my sunshine award!

  7. Hi Susan - thanks and I am truly honored to be nominated for the Sunshine Award! Please accept my apology for such a late response.


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